Fill your Basket with Savings: Earn Easter Egg Mystery Coupons!
For a limited time, invite friends to Mamapedia Sweet Deals and fill your basket with Easter Egg Mystery Coupons! For each friend you invite who subscribes, you’ll receive a coupon code, which could be for 10%, 15%, or even 20% off any Sweet Deal! This offer is only good during the month of April, so start filling your basket with savings now!
Here’s how it works:
- Share your personal referral link below with anyone (nationwide) who loves a great deal.
- Every time someone subscribes to Sweet Deals through your link, you’ll get an Easter Egg Mystery Coupon!
- Each time one of your invitees buys her first deal, you'll earn a $10 credit, so share your link with as many friends as possible.
You’ve had this many friends subscribe:(check back often after you share to see this number update)